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Music Ministry

The St. Mary’s Music Ministry is composed of six choirs with more than 100 participants (Choir parents count too!).


St. Mary’s Choirs are affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music.

If you have an interest in participating in one of our choirs, please contact Gregory Hooker, Minister of Music,

Music Ministry

Music Ministry

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June 2   5:00 pm

Choral Evensong is an entry into the spiritual realm of prayer through the beauty of music. The service is short, requiring little of the congregation but open ears and open hearts.


At the English Reformation the monastic daily offices of Vespers and Compline were combined into one service called Evening Prayer or Evensong for use in cathedrals and parishes. (The daily offices do not include a sermon or the Eucharist.) At Choral Evensong the choir takes a primary role in offering prayer and praise on behalf of the congregation.  Because of the rich and vast corpus of music written for Evensong by composers across the centuries to our present day, Choral Evensong has become one of the glories of our Anglican tradition.


St. Mary’s Choir will lead the congregation in prayers, anthems, hymns, a psalm and canticles on the first Sunday of March, April, May and June. This season of Choral Evensong services is in preparation for our Choir Pilgrimage to Salisbury Cathedral, England, July 29-August 4, 2024. Come support the choir and receive the spiritual blessing of Choral Evensong.

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