We welcome you to our Church. St. Mary’s is a vibrant, open and welcoming community that seeks to worship Christ, love our neighbors and serve the poor in our midst.
At St. Mary’s, we have four core values that inform who we are as a community: worship of the risen Christ forms the heart of our Church, and out of our worship flow Outreach, Family and Care.

Episcopal worship is guided by the Book of Common Prayer. We desire to be a people who are guided by God, and we accomplish this by letting our tradition and liturgy order our lives as a reminder that God is our Lord and we are to follow his guidance. The kneeling, standing and reading all work together to help us worship God and submit to Christ as our Lord.
Our services have been described as “tradition done well.” These services ground our community in the truth of Christ and bind us together as a worshiping community of followers of Christ. If you would like to become part of the St. Mary’s community, come visit us on Sunday. Please make yourself known to an usher so that we may welcome you.

We are a Church that values growing deeper in relationship with one another. One of our chief responsibilities as a congregation is to help raise the children God has entrusted to us. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, or have no children of your own, we want everyone at St. Mary’s to see it as their role to help love and nurture the children we have. We have a nursery, Children’s Chapel, Sunday School and welcome all children into our services. One of the great joys in being a multi-generational congregation is having both young and old present when we gather.
For the adults in our midst, we have many ways to connect. The best way is to find a ministry you feel passionate about, whether it’s a Bible study, being part of the Altar Guild (that sets the worship table before services), or serving coffee on Sunday mornings. We encourage you to get involved. This is the best way to meet people and grow in your faith.

As Christ met people in the most difficult of times we desire to walk with people in good times and hard times. Whether it’s chronic sickness, job loss, end of life issues, or something else, at St. Mary’s, our pastoral care ministries and groups try to meet people where they are. Look for our care ministries to offer or receive help.