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Baby Baptism Ceremony



We have ongoing opportunities to prepare adults to enter more fully into Christian life and faith. For adult baptism, please contact


Each candidate for baptism in the Episcopal Church must be sponsored by one or more baptized persons. Sponsors (godparents) speak on behalf of candidates for baptism who are infants or younger children and cannot speak for themselves at the Presentation and Examination of the Candidates. All baptism candidates must complete the baptism prep class (with parents if youth or infant). For Infant and Children baptisms please contact Parish Administrator, Derek Greten-Harrison at


Baptism is understood as a community event to be celebrated in the context of corporate worship and the Eucharist. The following worship services may include the sacrament of Baptism.




***Parents wanting to baptize their child/children on any of the listed above are required to attend the corresponding Baptism preparation class at St. Mary’s. To reserve your date, please contact  Derek Greten-Harrison, St. Mary’s Parish Administrator at or 703-527-6800 ext. 315.


Weddings are scheduled in the context of premarital counseling.  If at least one member of the couple is not currently a committed, active member of this parish, then the initial step is for the couple to attend worship services at St. Mary’s and to determine if this is the community of faith within which they wish to live out their marriage vows.

The St. Mary’s Staff Wedding Coordinator will forward a Wedding Information form to prospective couples. Once the completed form hs been returned, the Coordinator will confirm the wedding date. Weddings are normally scheduled on Saturdays between 10:00 am and 4:00 p.m.   Weddings are not held during the seasons of Advent, Lent or on holiday weekends.  As the wedding date is being scheduled, the Minister of Music should be contacted to ensure his availability and to schedule a consultation.

Questions? Email or call the Wedding Coordinator Janet Tasker at 703-527-6800.




As people of faith, we know that Christ’s Easter victory has overcome death, but are still aware of the challenges, difficulties, and loss at such times.


We are grateful for the opportunity to offer our prayers and assist individuals to prepare for the occasion of death as well as help family members make arrangements for a funeral service. To start the planing process and to schedule a funeral, please contact Janet Tasker at or




Does one need to be a member of St. Mary’s to have a funeral at the church?

No, St. Mary’s welcomes all people and families seeking to have a funeral at our church.


Who do I contact at St. Mary’s to report the death of a loved one?

Please contact any member of the clergy or call St. Mary’s Parish Administrator Andrea Meier at 703-527-6800.


What steps can I take to help my family and friends on the occasion of my death? 

Preparing a list of personal information in writing and left in convenient places known by trusted individuals is a good place to start. Download this Personal Information Guide, as well as Notes on My Funeral Services to help make your wishes known.


I have lost someone I deeply love and don’t know where to begin in laying them to rest.

Please contact any member of the clergy or call St. Mary’s Parish Administrator Andrea Meier at 703-527-6800. 


What can I expect at an Episcopal Church for a burial?

As Christians, we always understand that funerals are resurrection celebrations even as we say farewell to loved ones. At the Burial of the Dead those who mourn may express grief and sorrow as they share in the community’s expression of faith, hope, and mutual support in Jesus Christ.


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