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Spiritual formation is a lifelong process towards discipleship that is living, fruitful and essential.

Prayer, knowledge of scripture, tradition and reason, and experiences with spiritual leaders are part of each Christian’s formation journey. Following are a few ways to connect to find the way of love.

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9:00 - 9:45 am


Adult Forum is a series of thematic lectures from clergy and visiting guests that are scheduled two to three Sundays most months during fall, winter and spring. Sunday School for children and our nursery runs concurrently with Adult Forum; therefore childcare is provided through these ministries. 

Check our weekly E-Updates for a preview of our next Adult Forum.




You are invited to make St. Mary’s your church home.  Twice a year, we host a four-week series in our Chapel to allow newcomers the opportunity to learn about the history and story of our parish, how we worship, what we believe, and how individuals and families can connect to the life of the parish and our many outreach ministries. 

If you have questions, please contact Fr. Andrew at 703-527-6800.




Hungry for wisdom and knowledge about God? Gather with men and women on the same journey to learn in community about Christian life by examining our sacred scriptures.


Tuesday Mornings  at 7am – Men’s Bible Study via Zoom.
Email Father Merrow for more information.


Tuesday Morning Book and Bible Study 

This group meets at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom.
This group focuses on studying different books of the Bible and meets all year.
Contact Bev Hess, or 703-622-0867, if you are interested in joining.


Friday Morning Book Club at 10am.

Email Joan Turkus at for more information.

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